From: Who, What is the In symbol, John saw a " ... beast rise up out of the =
having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten =
and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." No such creature has ever been seen or heard of =
before or=20
since. In this nightmarish vision, John saw a many headed monster =
to rise slowly out of a vast sea, with names which were =
written upon it! What was this creature? What is the meaning =
of the=20
heads? What do the horns symbolize? by Garner Ted Armstrong Y
"Beast" of =
You are living in the days prophesied by Jesus Christ of = Nazareth!
The greatest prophet who ever lived was Christ Himself. In His famous = "Olivet" prophecy, He listed a careful, step-by-step sequence of = events which=20 must take place prior to His direct intervention, the close of = this age,=20 and the ushering in of the next age, the NEW age of the reign = of=20 Jesus Christ over all this earth as King of kings and Lord of lords=20 administering the government of God over all the earth!
Just where are we now in terms of world events in the light of = prophecy?
There is no more important book in the Bible concerning present and = future=20 events than the book of Revelation.
The "Apocalypse," as the book of Revelation was named in the Greek = language, means to reveal, not conceal!
God says, "Surely the Lord Eternal will do nothing, but He = revealeth=20 His secret unto His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7).
Daniel said, "He [God] revealeth the deep and secret things: = He=20 knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with Him ... = there is a=20 God in heaven that revealeth secrets..." (Daniel 2:22-28).
The secret of which Daniel spoke was the interpretation of=20 Nebuchadnezzar's famous dream, in which he saw a monstrous image.
Read the entire second chapter of Daniel, to refresh your memory = concerning=20 this great event. Daniel showed that the head of gold of the great image = Nebuchadnezzar had seen represented Nebuchadnezzar himself=97and = his=20 Babylonian kingdom. Thus it was revealed in the interpretation of this = prophecy=20 that king and kingdom are synonymous.
Quickly following, Daniel revealed that the four successive = worldruling=20 Gentile empires would consist of Babylon, Medo-Persia, GrecoMacedonia, = and,=20 finally, the Roman Empire.
The Roman Empire was described as "...the fourth kingdom [which would = be]=20 strong as iron ... and whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of = potter's=20 clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be = in it=20 of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed = with miry=20 clay.
"And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so = the=20 kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken [margin: weak] = .
Nebuchadnezzar's dream continued until he saw the great image = destroyed by a=20 symbolic stone, representing Christ.
Daniel revealed, "And in the days of these kings shall the God of = heaven set=20 up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not = be left=20 to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these = kingdoms,=20 and it shall stand forever" (Daniel 2:40-44).
Notice it is in the "days of these kings," meaning the days of = the=20 kings represented by the ten toes of the great image, that the = Kingdom=20 of God will be set up on this earth!
It becomes immediately obvious that Nebuchadnezzar's dream, = commencing in=20 ancient Babylon, progressed forward into the twentieth and = twenty-first=20 century culminating in the Second Coming of Christ, and the setting up = of the=20 Kingdom of God!
It tells us, if we ponder the meaning of this vision, coupled with = the four=20 beasts of Daniel's seventh chapter, and the beasts of Revelation 13 and = 17, that=20 these four Gentile world-dominating kingdoms would continue one after = the other=20 until the fourth great kingdom began to rule over the whole = earth=97after which,=20 through various successive stages or revivals, that fourth kingdom would = once=20 again rise to great power just prior to Christ's Second Coming!
Notice: "Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the = mountain=20 without hands, and that it break in pieces the iron, the brass, the = clay, the=20 silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what = shall come=20 to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation = thereof=20 sure" (Daniel 2:45).
Now, turn to and read Revelation 17:12-14!
"And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have = received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the = beast.
"These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto = the=20 beast.
"These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb [Christ] = shall=20 overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that = are=20 with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful."
Again, notice ten kings.
John says these ten kings are represented by the ten horns of = the=20 great beast which he had seen in an earlier vision.
The Beast=97Who, What is He?
John said: "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast = rise=20 up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his = horns=20 ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
"And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were = as the=20 feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon = gave=20 him his power, and his seat, and great authority."
For years, eschatologists have known that biblical prophecy is = closely=20 interwoven, that it is interdependent upon several different books of = the Bible.=20 And even though the real TRUTH about Bible prophecy has been = concealed=20 from the world at large, many have come to understand that Daniel = and=20 the book of Revelation go hand in glove, that one cannot be understood = without=20 the other.
Here, John sees a creature which embodies all of the strongest=20 characteristics of the creatures seen by Daniel in his seventh = chapter. The=20 leopard was symbolic of the empire of Alexander the Great; the = four heads=20 (Daniel 7:6) a symbol of the four generals who carved up Alexander's = great,=20 sprawling empire even before his body was interred. Alexander, you will = recall,=20 revolutionized warfare, making lightning-like attacks (the "blitzkrieg" = of his=20 day) against the ponderous Persian Phalanxes with smaller, = rapidly-moving,=20 flanking columns.
The feet of the vision seen by John were as the feet of a bear. = The=20 bear was a symbol of the Persian empire, under Cyrus the Great. = With its=20 great paws and ponderous strength, a bear can smash logs, searching for = ants,=20 grubs and termites; roll over huge stones, kill a range bull with a = single blow=20 to the head, or disembowel large animals.
The beast of Revelation 13 featured the mouth as the "mouth of a = lion." It is=20 the monstrous head of the male lion, made the more = formidable-looking by=20 the mane, which is the symbol of its strength.
Obviously, the great beast John saw in vision (Revelation 13 and 17) = embodies=20 all of the four strongest characteristics of each of the FOUR = great=20 beasts seen by Daniel. These great creatures parallel exactly the = four=20 successive world-ruling Gentile kingdoms depicted by the great image = seen in=20 Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The ancient Chaldean empire, Nebuchadnezzar's = kingdom,=20 came to be known as "Babylon" after the name attached to its capitol. = Though the=20 dates are disputed, this ancient kingdom is said to have reigned from=20 approximately 625 to 539 B.C.
During the night of the riotous feast (Daniel 5) during the reign of = a=20 lesser-known Babylonian king, Belshazzar, the armies of the MedoPersian = empire=20 had diverted the course of the river upstream, walked beneath the river = gates=20 into the city of Babylon dry-shod, surprising the garrisons, and took = the city!=20 This was the army under Darius the Mede, allied with the Persian empire. = The=20 Persian empire dates commonly from 558-330 B.C.
Rawlinson's World History is one of the best sources for = information=20 concerning these ancient kingdoms.
The third successive world-ruling kingdom was that of GrecoMacedonia, = under=20 one of the most famous generals in all of history, Alexander the = Great.
He subjugated the Persians, conquering the known world from India and = points=20 east all the way to Gibraltar, then called the "Gates of Hercules." = History=20 states that Alexander, then in his early thirties, having reigned = for=20 only a few short years, sat down and wept at the famous "Gates of = Hercules" because, so far as he knew, there were no more "worlds to=20 conquer"!
After his death, true to the prophecies of Daniel, his kingdom was = divided by=20 four of his own generals. History reports that the decision to carve up=20 Alexander's empire occurred even before the interment of his body; and = so were=20 created the "four heads" of the third beast of the seventh chapter of = Daniel,=20 including the first: Greece proper with Macedonia to the north; the = second:=20 "Western Asia," or Asia Minor, including Thrace; the third: Syria and = all of the=20 Tigris Euphrates valley and territory into India; and, the = fourth: Egypt,=20 under Ptolemy Soter.
Eventually emerging from the chaos created by these four rival = kingdoms (the=20 eleventh chapter of Daniel, for example, enumerates the plots and = intrigues,=20 wars and conspiracies between the Seleucidae of Syria and the Ptolemies = of=20 Egypt) arose the Roman Empire. Rome came to power in = approximately 31=20 B.C., and continued until its collapse in 476, followed by its = restoration under=20 General Belisarius in A.D. 554.
Study the seventh chapter of Daniel, and you will see the various = "beasts"=20 which picture each one of these four, powerful, world-ruling = empires.
The beast of Revelation 13 is pictured as having the same number = of horns=20 as Daniel's fourth beast; and, even as Daniel's fourth beast = had=20 conquered the territory belonging to the previous kingdoms, absorbing = its=20 peoples and territories, it therefore included all seven heads = (remember,=20 the leopard-like kingdom representing Alexander's empire had four, thus=20 numbering seven total).
Obviously, the beast of Revelation 13 and the fourth beast of = Daniel 7=20 are the same beast!
And who was the fourth beast of Daniel 7? The Roman Empire, = with its various resurrections from that time to this!
Briefly, refer back to the great image seen in Daniel's second = chapter.
Here again, the events of history bear out biblical symbolism and = prophecies.=20 After about A.D. 330, the two "great patriarchs" at Constantinople and = Rome=20 began to bicker and disagree. Constantinople wielded power in the east, = Rome in=20 the west.
The Roman kingdom was finally divided between east and west, = even as=20 the iconoclastic controversy finally split the Roman Catholic Church, = the=20 eastern half surviving today as the "Greek Orthodox Church."
To this day, the Greek Orthodox Church worships before "icons," or = raised=20 images, whereas the Roman Catholic Church permits statues.
The two legs of the great image seen by Nebuchadnezzar represent this = east-west split.
Notice that the "dragon gave him his power." The dragon is a symbol = of=20 Satan=97this is a Satanic Gentile kingdom, embodying all = of the=20 strongest parts of each of the four, successive, world-ruling = Gentile=20 kingdoms.
God says, "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, = called=20 the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world..." (Revelation = 12:9).
Here, then, is truly a monster military power=97having all of = the=20 strengths of the greatest war=97making empires the world has ever seen, = governed=20 directly by Satan.
Clearly, the BEAST was the ROMAN EMPIRE, with its prophesied = revivals=97its=20 successive "resurrections" down through history.
However, remember that "king and kingdom" are synonymous!
Daniel said after Nebuchadnezzar would arise "another kingdom,=20 inferior to thee!"
The BEAST is, at once, the human leader over the final revival = of the=20 Roman Empire, and the military and political system he = controls.
The beast has existed from the time of the ancient, pagan Roman = Empire! At=20 its head have been such leaders as the Roman emperors Constantine, = Justinian,=20 Charlemagne, Otto the Great, Charles the Great, and Napoleon.
Then, Mussolini and Hitler, at the head of the Axis powers during = World War=20 11, formed a brief resurrection of the same old system. German units = carried=20 Roman standards in parades and marches. The symbol of Mussolini's army = was from=20 ancient Rome. Mussolini called his militarist government the "Holy Roman = Empire."
There is obviously another resurrection of the Roman Empire to = occur=20 in the future=97in OUR TIME! "And the ten horns which thou sawest = are ten=20 kings, which have received no kingdom as yet," said John = (Revelation=20 17:12).
That prophecy is specifically for us, now! Today, there are no = absolute monarchies in Europe. Will the terrible economic conditions in = Britain,=20 and then in Europe, cause nations to return to monarchies? Is it = conceivable=20 Prince Charles could yet abolish Parliament=97step in, and take over, in = a bid to=20 save Britain from complete economic and social chaos claiming absolute = power?=20 Many European countries have royal families, various claimants to = nonexistent=20 thrones, including Holland, Belgium, Germany, and Spain, among = others.
The prophecy could be satisfied if presidents, premiers, or prime = ministers=20 took total power, or if military dictators arose, but it is not beyond = the realm=20 of possibility that monarchies could return.
John said, "=85but [these ten kings] receive power AS KINGS one hour = with the=20 beast These shall MAKE WAR WITH THE LAMB..." (Revelation 17:12,13). = Obviously,=20 they are extant, at the zenith of their power, at the time just prior to = Christ's return.
The Woman Who Rides the Beast
In vision, John saw a famous harlot sitting astride the = mysterious=20 beast.
"So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a = woman=20 sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having = seven heads=20 and ten horns.
"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked = with gold=20 and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of=20 abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
"And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with = the blood=20 of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great = admiration=20 [shock, or awe]" (Revelation 17:3-6).
Now, who and what is this "woman"? Somehow, she contrives to=20 control the ten-headed monster, the amalgamated political = system=20 of ten nations.
How? What is the one most important supranational motivating = power=20 or influence which could weld otherwise differing, disagreeing = nations=20 together?
Remember, it is Satan who gives power to this agglomeration of = nations.
And who is this "mother of all whores"? She wears scarlet symbolic of = harlotry. She has names which are blasphemous. She decks herself with = gold,=20 precious stones and pearls, and is the perpetrator of countless, vicious = crimes=20 against the true servants of God. She is seen as figuratively "drunken = with the=20 blood of saints"! At the end of the seventeenth chapter, John gives an = important=20 clue. He says, "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, = which=20 reigneth over the kings of the earth!" And what city is that? Is it = Lansing,=20 Michigan; Kobe, Japan; or Hobart, Tasmania?
What city is it which, down through history, has literally ruled = over=20 the kings and emperors of dozens of governments?
It is the city of ROME!
Rome, the city founded by "Romulus," eventually, through = attrition and=20 warfare, became the seat of the western "universal church."
The Roman Catholic Church harshly excommunicates recalcitrant = priests,=20 disobedient members and dissidents.
But interdiction is utilized by the Pope to literally = "excommunicate" a=20 whole nation.
In the past, when governments unfavorable to Rome have arisen in = Catholic=20 countries, interdiction has been used. No government could long survive = if an=20 entire populace, believing firmly in the pagan doctrine of the=20 "immortality of the soul," were told they had been "excommunicated" and = were=20 going into an ever-burning hell fire rather than purgatory or "the = beatific=20 vision"!
Millions of frightened, crazed citizens would rise immediately, and = violent=20 demonstrations, and massive riots would topple such a = government.
This has happened. There is only ONE great "universal" church = which=20 acts as a state; sending its ambassadors and representatives to = national=20 capitols all over the world, and entertaining emissaries and ambassadors = from=20 such nations in its own territory.
The Vatican is a state within a state! It is not, = technically,=20 a part of Italy, or the city of Rome! It carries statehood, = absolute=20 sovereignty, as a separate NATION inside the Italian peninsula!
As such, it is one of the several "Lilliputian" nations of Europe, = including=20 Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, and San Marino.
Notice that the famous city sits astride "seven mountains," or hills. = (Revelation 17:9).
Rome has its seven famous hills, each named, and marked by ancient=20 monuments.
Some have imagined that the "miry clay" of Daniel's vision which = seems to=20 weld the ten toes of the great image together, represent a sticky, = bituminous=20 substance=97which, even though it is obviously not "mixed" with iron, is = used as a=20 weak bonding agent of some kind, which at least effects a weak = union for=20 a time.
Daniel's vision shows that although the hardness of iron is = present in=20 the ten governments represented by the toes; there is also the = "weakness" of=20 clay.
The bonding agent which will hold the entire system of the = future ten=20 nation central government in Europe together is religion!
The "great whore" is pictured as having many harlot = daughters.
Notice! "Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of = the=20 Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, the lady of kingdoms.
"I was wroth with my people [Israel!], I have polluted mine = inheritance, and=20 given them into thine hand: thou didst show them no mercy; upon the = ancient hast=20 thou very heavily laid thy yoke!
"And thou saidst, I shall be a lady forever: so that thou didst not = lay these=20 things to thy heart, neither didst remember the latter end of it.
"Therefore hear now this, thou that are given to pleasures, that = dwellest=20 carelessly, that sayest in thine heart I am, and none else beside me; I = shall=20 not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children:
"But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the = loss of=20 children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection = for the=20 multitude of thy sorceries, and for thy great abundance of thine = enchantments"=20 (Isaiah 47:5-9).
Yes, she is pictured as a MOTHER church; a UNIVERSAL church, which = has many=20 protesting "daughters"!
Who IS this great, scarlet-attired, blasphemous WHORE, who commits = spiritual=20 fornication with many Gentile governments; who martyred countless = thousands of God's people down through the centuries; out of whom came=20 daughters=97protesting against her excesses?
She sits astride the ten-nation BEAST, wielding powerful influence. = She=20 resides in an ancient city having seven noted hills. She is "splendid" = in her=20 purple and scarlet costumes; her bejeweled facade; her gilded altars; = her=20 churches filled with the bones of dead men.
She has the names of blasphemy.
"I AM" is a title of GOD! Here is a great false church called the = "daughter"=20 of Babylon (ancient Chaldea), whose religion is a "Babylonish = mystery=20 religion," and who adopts titles which belong to God!
The Pope in Rome is called by a title which belongs to God! He = is=20 called "father," as are the priests of the Catholic religion, and yet = Jesus said=20 that, in a religious sense, we are to "call no man father on earth!" = (Matthew=20 23:9).
The pope is said to be infallible when he speaks from the = so-called=20 "holy" See. It is said that he, although human, CANNOT make a = mistake!
Now do you see? The Bible interprets its own symbols.
Thus, a mountain means a large nation; a hill a smaller one. A great = beast or=20 an animal always stands for a gentile kingdom; a woman means either a = church or=20 the nation of Israel, depending upon the context. The horns = on the=20 heads of beasts symbolize individual kings or governments.
Notice that this great false church, at the head of a ten-nation = combine=20 will destroy many of God's people!
Read that quotation from Isaiah 47 again. The great false church, at = the head=20 of a united Europe, will "lay her yoke" on God's people! They are to be = taken=20 captive by the beast power.
In Jeremiah's description of the great tribulation, called = "Jacob's=20 trouble," that is made plain.
"Alas! For that day is great so that none is like it [see = Matthew=20 24:21] it is even the time of Jacob's trouble [Jacob's name was = changed=20 to Israel]; but he shall be saved out of it.
"For it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Eternal of Hosts, = that I=20 will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, = and=20 strangers shall no more serve themselves of him:
"But they shall serve the Eternal their God, and David their king, = whom I will raise up" (Jeremiah 30:7-9). Finally God = releases=20 them from captivity.
Notice the time element. This is at the resurrection, = following the=20 Second Coming of Christ! David, who has been these many centuries = dead,=20 is pictured as being raised from the dead, to become the king = of=20 Israel!
Thus, in this prophecy of both destruction, privation and captivity, = there is=20 also eventual rescue and restitution.
A great "yoke" of captivity has been laid across the backs of God's=20 people!
And it is that "great whore" astride the beast who afflicts God's = people with=20 her "yoke"!
What About the Ten Horns?
A horn, as it decorates the head of horned animals such as sheep, = deer,=20 moose, caribou, elk, etc., is like a "crown" on the head of an animal. = It is=20 the horns of these animals which trophy hunters covet; the = horns=20 were utilized by ancient races, including the American Indian, as = impressive=20 headdresses to throw fear into one's enemies, or to enhance the = appearance of=20 shamans and witch doctors.
The Bible uses horns as a symbol of a king, or a=20 government.
The Bible clearly tells us "The ten horns ARE TEN KINGS, which have = received=20 no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the = beast"=20 (Revelation 17:12).
Therefore, it is clear that the final "ten horns" are seen on the = final=20 head of the many-headed beast of John's vision.
You know this simply because the ten are obviously = contemporaneous; they=20 fight Christ at His coming! They correspond to the TEN TOES of the = image in=20 Daniel's second chapter, which are smashed by the symbolic stone, = which=20 is Christ.
Notice the language of the prophecy: These kings have "received no = kingdom AS=20 YET"! Yet, the Bible says they receive POWER "as kings" one hour = [a very=20 short time in history] with the BEAST.
And what is the power of kings? It is absolute power! = It is the=20 power of a DICTATOR! It is total autocracy; the power to declare war, to = conscript vast armies, to manipulate national economies, to impose = martial=20 law!
The prophecy says, "These have one mind This simply means they = are=20 united in purpose; that they completely agree on one united = policy;=20 that their goals and objectives are the SAME!
"...and shall give their power and strength unto the beast."=20 Obviously, then, ten separate nations allied under ten = presidents,=20 prime ministers, premiers or dictators (the biblical symbol is "king") = agree=20 on a unified policy; then commit their total economies, industrial = base and=20 military forces into the united power called "THE BEAST"!
"These (all ten, allied now into ONE great ten-member nation) = shall make=20 war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them..." (Revelation = 17:14).
Do you see?
If you were on the proverbial desert island, and you knew God = existed,=20 you knew that the Bible is HIS WORD, you would need only these three = verses=20 of the Bible to wash ashore in the proverbial bottle to absolutely=20 convince you that the following facts are true:
1) Somewhere on this earth, there will be ten kings or human = rulers of=20 ten separate governments who will emerge, having dictatorial = power!
2) They will arise suddenly, and will endure together = but a=20 short time.
3) They will have one policy.
4) They will unitedly pledge their industrial, economic and = military
strength into one central power.
5) This power is called "the beast" in Bible prophecy.
6) They will FIGHT CHRIST at His coming!
7) Christ will overcome them, and destroy their power!
Do you see?
From just these few verses of Revelation 17, if you believe = that the=20 Bible is the divinely-revealed Word of God, you can KNOW all of = the=20 foregoing!
Now, read carefully the entire passage concerning the beast, = commencing with=20 Revelation 13, verse 1: "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a = beast=20 rise up out of the sea=85"
A government derives its force and power by the number of people = it=20 controls. Its industrial, economic and military base reside in the = masses of=20 people beneath that government Here, the analogy is obvious: A = great,=20 threatening, autocratic government rises up out of masses of=20 people.
"...having seven heads and ten horns...." There were four beasts = pictured in=20 Daniel's seventh chapter, representing four successive worldruling = empires.=20 Alexander's government was depicted as a leopard, one of the = four,=20 but it had four heads. Since each of the other three beasts = had=20 one head, and the leopard, picturing Alexander and his four = generals, had=20 four, the total is seven heads, or the great beast = of these=20 dictatorial, military Gentile governments holding sway over the = known=20 world from the time of Nebuchadnezzar until the collapse of the Roman = Empire,=20 A.D. 476.
"...and upon his horns ten crowns=85" Crowns are a symbol of = kings,=20 again representing the absolute power of an unlimited = monarchy.
"...and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." The Roman = Empire was=20 called (and is yet to be called) "the HOLY Roman Empire"! Many = have made=20 the error of interpreting the beast of Revelation 13 as purely a = religious=20 power, and have become confused about the meaning of biblical = prophecy. No doubt, they simply have not understood that the pagan Roman = emperors, and, in fact, the kings and emperors of more ancient = states=20 long antedating them, were WORSHIPED as deities!
Roman emperors demanded that they be called "divinity," and were = revered by=20 the pagan populaces as "gods."
This, long before the so-called "Christianizing" of the = pagan=20 Roman Empire, which subsequently, as its rulers were crowned by the = Popes,=20 became known as the "Holy" Roman Empire!
Therefore, names and titles which belong to God were blasphemously = attached to purely pagan, militaristic governments!
We have already seen the meaning of the second verse, wherein = each of=20 the most powerful aspects of the four beasts of Daniel's seventh chapter = are=20 revealed to characterize the powerful, final beast which will be extant = at the=20 time of the Second Coming of Christ. Let's now notice the third and = fourth=20 verses:
"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death=85." This = refers to the=20 collapse of Rome in A.D. 476. "=85and his deadly wound was = healed=85" General=20 Belisarius effected a weaker resurrection of the Roman Empire = when he=20 conquered Carthage in North Africa, and various of the provinces of = Italy in=20 554.
Actually, the "Holy Roman Empire" continued from that time until the = second=20 defeat of Napoleon in comparatively modern times; indeed, experienced = another=20 resurrection during the time of Hitler and Mussolini!
"...and all the world wondered after the beast
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto = the=20 beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto = the beast?=20 Who is able to make war with him?"
State worship was one of the trappings of Hitler's "Third Reich." = Hitler=20 was a false Christ who attempted to bring about the creation of = the=20 "super race," claiming his "Reich" would stand for a thousand years!=20 Thus, as the false "savior" of Germany, the architect of a race of=20 "superhumans," claiming that he had established a "Christian" government = on the=20 earth which would endure for one thousand years, Hitler masqueraded as = Christ=20 Himself!
There is little doubt Hitler was possessed by Satan. Can anyone = explain his=20 vicious pogroms against the Jews; the deportation of millions = into slave=20 labor camps; the uprooting of whole populations; his incredible = record at=20 the first of diabolically brilliant military successes; and his later = frenzied=20 rages, demonic dreams, tortured thoughts, and insane orders, ordering=20 non-existent armies to non-existent fronts when his own generals told = him the=20 armies of Nazi Germany had been defeated?
In the early days of Hitler's rise to power, he was = revered=97worshiped=20 by millions in Germany! He was called the very heart, mind, and soul = of=20 Germany! Rudolf Hess, during the famous Nuremberg rally, shouted = "Hitler ist=20 Deutschland=97Deutschland ist Hitler!"
Once again, there will come upon the world scene a leader with the = same type=20 of charisma; the same dark, inexplicable power; the same military = genius;=20 the same diabolical, demonic ability to sway the minds of = millions=20 who will become the HEAD of a combine of nations, probably = called=20 the United States of Europe!
The man probably will be a German, though Bible prophecy does = not=20 specify it!
That man will fulfill the biblical prophecy of the=20 beast!
He has had many predecessors. A type of the beast of Bible = prophecy=20 was Antiochus Epiphanes, who is the last central figure of = the=20 lengthy eleventh chapter of Daniel's prophecy, obviously a type = of Adolph=20 Hitler!
Other types were Justinian, Charlemagne, Otto the Great, Charles the = Great,=20 and Napoleon.
Each of these, reigning over the imperial restoration of the Roman = Empire=20 from 554 until 1814, represent some of the "horns and heads" of the = beasts=20 revealed in Daniel's seventh chapter, and comprise the first five = heads=20 of the seven-headed beast of Revelation 17!
Now, back to our chapter: "And there was given unto him a mouth = speaking=20 great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to = continue=20 forty and two months" (Revelation 13:5).
Forty-two months in Bible prophecy translates into three and = one-half=20 years.
The Three and One-Half Year Period of Prophecy =
Remember, Jesus Christ of Nazareth warned of the coming GREAT = TRIBULATION!=20 (Matthew 24:21,22). The tribulation is clearly the time of national = calamities=20 to befall God's people Israel! (Jeremiah 30:7, 8; Daniel 12: = 1,2).
Even though the Jewish people of the modern nation of "Israel" in = Palestine=20 are definitely a part of Israel, they DO NOT represent the = tentribed=20 HOUSE OF ISRAEL which became lost from history!
The United States and the British Commonwealth comprise the tribes of = Manasseh and Ephraim; other nations of northwestern Europe, including = the=20 Scandinavian countries, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, = Switzerland, and=20 perhaps the northern half of France comprise other parts of the = "lost ten=20 tribes of Israel."
The national calamities to befall God's people are prophesied to = continue for=20 a period of three and one-half years! Notice the parallels: = "...and power=20 was given unto him to continue forty and two months!" (Revelation = 13:5).=20 The beast power reign continues at the zenith of its power=97for = exactly=20 three and one-half years!
However, God shows that His people are symbolically protected = by=20 Almighty God (the symbol of God's protection is "two wings of a great = eagle":=20 Revelation 12:14; Exodus 19:4).
"And to the woman [God's church] were given two wings of a great = eagle, that=20 she might fly into the wilderness [a spiritual type of God's protection] = into=20 her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and = half a=20 time, from the face of the serpent" (Revelation 12:14).
Earlier, the Bible shows that God's true church was protected for "a = thousand=20 two hundred and three-score days" (Revelation 12:6) from the = persecutions of=20 Satan, and his church on this earth.
Now, compare Revelation 12:6 with Revelation 12:14 and Revelation = 13:5.
In verse 6 of chapter 12, you see the period of time during which the = saints=20 are protected is a thousand two hundred and three-score = days."
Yet, in verse 14 of the same chapter, the same period of time is = called a=20 time, and times, and half a time." This tells you that one time is a = year; that "times" is not three, seven, ten or more, but only two = times,=20 and that "half a time" is six months, or half of one year!
Compare these verses with Revelation 13:5. Here, the beast power = which is=20 persecuting God's people continues for forty and two months." = Forty-two=20 months is exactly thirty-six months plus six months=97or three and = one-half=20 years!
Furthermore we learn that, in Bible prophecy, the months all have = exactly=20 thirty days, and each year has exactly twelve month=97contrary to the = present=20 pagan, Roman calendar. For the purposes of history, Bible chronology and = prophecy, God uses this special measurement of time!
Now, notice Revelation 11. As the angel symbolically measures the = temple of=20 God, he is told, "But the court which is without the temple leave out, = and=20 measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city = shall they=20 tread underfoot forty and two months!"
This coincides exactly with the prophecy of Daniel 11:40-45. Here, = the "king=20 of the north" (who was Antiochus Epiphanes in ancient times=97and who is = the BEAST=20 of central Europe in the future!) will enter into the land of = Palestine,=20 setting up his military headquarters in Jerusalem. The = twelfth=20 chapter shows the great tribulation is brought about immediately = by such=20 a move! Furthermore, it concurs exactly with Jesus' famous "Olivet = prophecy"=20 (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21) in which He predicted yet a future=20 "holocaust" to befall the Jewish people in the land of = PALESTINE!
Christ prophesies a future occupation of the holy land, = probably under the guise of "protectionism," by a multilateral European = force,=20 in order to set up a so-called corpus separatum, or = "internationalized=20 city," in Jerusalem!
It will be set up by the future beast, the European military power, = and=20 the Pope himself will move to Jerusalem, Palestine! At that time, = he may=20 well claim to be, not only "the vicar of Christ," but GOD = HIMSELF! (Study=20 11 Thessalonians2:3-10.)
Now back to Revelation 11.
"And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall = prophesy=20 a thousand two-hundred and three-score days, clothed in = sackcloth"=20 (Revelation 11:3).
Notice that the exact time during which the mysterious "two = witnesses"=20 of Revelation 11 prophesy=97during which they have the power to call = down great=20 plagues upon the "seat of the beast," meaning the site of the = beast's=20 authority=97is for a duration of three and one-half = years!
Now, put it all together.
God shows that the beast power will hold sway for three and one-half = years.=20 The great tribulation and the day of the Lord occupy three and one-half = years!=20 The two witnesses prophesy for a period of three and one-half years, and = it is=20 obvious from the latter verses of Revelation 11 that the Second = Coming of=20 Christ follows very swiftly after the martyrdom of the two=20 witnesses!
Do you see?
Even as the great image of Daniel's second chapter was "partly weak = and=20 partly strong," and even as the ten kings will receive "power as kings = one=20 hour" with the beast, so the history of this future "resurrection" = of the=20 "Holy Roman Empire" in central Europe will endure for only THREE AND = ONE-HALF=20 YEARS!
Christ's Warning!
Jesus Christ gave specific WARNING about a series of shocking events = which=20 would usher in the great tribulation.
He said, "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of = desolation=20 spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place (whoso = readeth, let=20 him understand), then let them which be in Judaea flee into the=20 mountains:
"Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out = of his=20 house: neither let him which is in the field return back to take his=20 clothes.
"And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in = those=20 days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the = Sabbath=20 day.
"For then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as was not since the = beginning of=20 the world to this time, no nor ever shall be.
"And except those days should be shortened, there should NO FLESH BE = SAVED=20 [ALIVE]: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened" = (Matthew=20 24:15-22).
Do you now understand?
When the world sees the forming of ten nations in = Europe=97probably to=20 be called "the UNITED STATES OF EUROPE"=97when the world sees = that power=20 move to OCCUPY PALESTINE (modern "Israel")=97when the world sees the = POPE move his=20 official headquarters to JERUSALEM, thus setting up the "abomination of=20 desolation" in the HOLY PLACE=97THEN THIS WORLD HAD BETTER REALIZE THE = GREAT=20 TRIBULATION IS BEGINNING!
Jesus plainly said so.
Now, in a nutshell, here is what you should WATCH for in world=20 developments:
(1) Major economic distress will strike the United States and = Britain,=20 probably as a result of increased protectionism, resultant TRADE = WARS,=20 primarily between America and Japan, and between America and the Common = Market=20 countries, specifically Germany.
(2) Major socioeconomic upheavals will topple governments; = massive=20 marches, riots, demonstrations and violence will ensue as angry=20 populations blame governments, minorities, and various "conspiracies" = for their=20 troubles.
(3) Western nations will find martial law being imposed; = presidents=20 and prime ministers will seek emergency powers. An absolute monarchy may = return=20 to Britain and some European countries.
(4) Western Europe will not escape unscathed in a global economic = breakdown.=20 Dictators will emerge. A "STRONG MAN" will take the helm of = government in=20 Germany.
(5) Either a single Mideastern leader (the "king of the south" of = Daniel=20 11:40), or an Arab bloc of countries will "push at" the United = States of=20 Europe in some way. This implies economic interference. Perhaps = another=20 OIL embargo. This will be coupled with an all-out Arab attack against = Israel,=20 which will bring major loss of life and major damage to Israeli = cities.
(6) Because JERUSALEM will be seriously endangered, the Pope will = call for=20 MILITARY guarantees of an "internationalized city" or the corpus = separatum=20 which he has already espoused, to be enforced by the beast power in=20 Europe.
(7) The European powers move swiftly into the Middle EAST. The Pope = will move=20 to Jerusalem.
(8) Following trade wars and probably in connection with major = events=20 in the Middle East, a complete breakdown in the present economic = structure of=20 the world will occur. War will break out in the Middle East; the United = States=20 will declare war on the U.S. of Europe and its allies, probably = including=20 Japan. The GREAT TRIBULATION will begin! The prophesied great=20 tribulation is to come upon God's people Israel, Joseph, = primarily=20 meaning Manasseh (the United States of America), and Ephraim = (the=20 British Commonwealth of nations). The tribulation on South Africa = will=20 come largely from within, resulting from a violent overthrow of the = minority=20 white apartheid government. The Israelitish people in Australia, New = Zealand and=20 Tasmania, almost in a bizarre rerun of what might have happened in World = War II,=20 will very likely be conquered by Japan. It is possible = that this=20 war will NOT necessarily include nuclear weapons, or, at least, all-out = nuclear=20 war.
(9) GERMANY, at the head of the United States of Europe, will = conquer=20 the United States and the British Commonwealth of nations! (Isaiah = 10:5-12;=20 Isaiah 47:6; Jeremiah 30:7-9; Ezekiel 5:12; Ezekiel 23:9; Daniel 12:1; = Matthew=20 24:21,22). Thus begins captivity, deportation, privation, and hardship = such as=20 never before known for the western democracies!
(10) During the next three and one-half year period, there is no = organized=20 preaching of the gospel (Amos 8: 11). The two witnesses, two = human=20 beings who are called of God as spiritual leaders, are repeatedly = conveying=20 messages to the beast and false prophet in Jerusalem, as an antitype of = Moses=20 and Aaron, demanding that the beast power release the people of God from = slavery=20 (Revelation 11).
(11) For some reason, probably betrayal and internal politics, the = "beast=20 shall hate the whore and make her desolate" (Revelation 17:16-18; = Revelation 18,=20 entire chapter). The eighteenth chapter of Revelation specifies how God = will=20 cause the beast power to turn upon the false prophet and his = church, thus=20 carrying out God's judgments as foreordained throughout all of = history=20 and as foretold in Bible prophecy.
(12) At about this time, the two witnesses are allowed to be = killed,=20 and, miraculously, resurrected to human, physical life a few days = later,=20 just prior to the Second Coming of Christ!
(12) During this entire period (the great tribulation, the heavenly = signs and=20 the day of the Lord), God's people, Israel, have been in = captivity!=20 Every scripture which speaks of the condition of God's people Israel = in=20 connection with the Second Coming of Christ pictures them as being in=20 captivity. A few samples: Isaiah 10:20-25; Isaiah 11: 10- 16; = Isaiah=20 14:1,2; Isaiah 14:25; Isaiah 27:12, 13; Isaiah 35:4-10; Isaiah 43:1-7; = Jeremiah=20 16:14,15; Jeremiah 23:5-8; Jeremiah 31:7-14; Ezekiel 11:17-20; Ezekiel = 20:33-36;=20 Ezekiel 34:11-24; Ezekiel 36:24-38; Hosea 11:11,12; Hosea 12:1-9; Joel = 2:20-32;=20 Amos 9:9-15; Micah 5:5-8; Zephaniah 3:14-20; Zechariah 8:13-23; = Zechariah 14:=20 1-11.
Read each one of the scriptures listed above, and see the many = graphic=20 descriptions of hapless, wretched slaves who are released at = the time=20 of the Second Coming of Christ! Notice the time setting in = each=20 prophecy. Though there is duality in some few cases; though there = was an=20 earlier return from captivity during the time of Ezra, Nehemiah, = and=20 Zerubbabel, yet none of the prophecies concerning the New = Covenant=20 (Jeremiah 31) or the Second Coming of Christ occurred!
You will find that, in some cases, the resurrection is = portrayed. In=20 one case, Jeremiah specifically states that David will be = resurrected to=20 become the king over the physical remnant of Israel during the = millennial=20 reign of Christ (Jeremiah 30:9).
There are many more events which are to occur, including the=20 protection of some of God's people who will not be called upon to = give=20 their last testimony through martyrdom. Jesus plainly said, "But = before=20 all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, = delivering you=20 up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and = rulers=20 for my name's sake ... and ye shall be betrayed both by parent, and = brethren,=20 and kinsfolks, and friends; and SOME OF YOU shall they cause to be put = to death.=20 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake. But there shall not = an hair=20 of your head perish" (Luke 21:12-18).
According to Matthew's Gospel, Jesus said, "All these are the = beginning=20 of sorrows [great tribulation], then shall they deliver YOU up to be = afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for = my=20 name's sake..." (Matthew 24:8,9).
Yet, to some few of God's people, there is strong implication = that=20 protection will be offered!
"Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep = thee=20 from the hour of temptation [trial or tribulation] which = shall come=20 upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth" (Revelation = 3:=20 10).
Yet, God plainly says, "And he [the "spokesman" of the BEAST] opened = his=20 mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name and His = tabernacle, and=20 them that dwell in heaven.
"And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and TO = OVERCOME THEM..." (Revelation 13:6,7).
Also, God says, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to = make war=20 with the remnant of her seed [the last, end-time generation of = God's=20 people] which KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, and have the testimony of = Jesus=20 Christ! (Revelation 12:17). Daniel's prophecy says, "I beheld, and the = same horn=20 [the "little horn," representing the papacy, which overthrew = three of the=20 preceding Roman governments!] made war with the saints, and prevailed = against=20 them; UNTIL the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given = to the=20 saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed = the=20 kingdom" (Daniel 7:21,22).
Make no mistake! Not every praying, fasting, spiritually = strong=20 Christian is going to be spirited away, or supernaturally protected = in a=20 "place of safety"!
The strongest biblical proof of that statement is found in = Revelation=20 11, in the story of the two witnesses, who will become two of the = greatest prophets in all history: greater than Moses and Aaron, greater = than=20 Elijah and Elisha, for their miracles will not merely be local, = but=20 GLOBAL, and they will have the power to perform great miracles, = such as=20 drought, famine, and other miraculous events to PUNISH the beast power, = and will=20 be completely impervious to all attempts at their assassination = for three=20 and one-half years, during the time of their prophecy, until God = allows=20 their martyrdom!
Thus is the scenario for the truly great events which are to = shape the=20 next decades of world history!
Somewhere on this earth Almighty God has commissioned His work, = as a=20 "watchman" to cry out in a wilderness of Babylonish and spiritual = confusion, with a loud and clear voice, a dynamic message of = WITNESS=20 and WARNING!
Has God somehow led you into contact with that very work? = Jesus=20 said, "You shall know them by their fruits!"
WATCH the events unfolding around this world day by day and week by = week!=20 What events can you point to, right now, which indicate = the=20 beginning of protectionism and trade wars, and which will lead = toward=20 economic chaos and confusion? Have the Arabs clamped an oil embargo upon = the=20 powers in Western Europe and the United States previously? Could it = happen=20 again? In the event of the seeming imminent destruction of the holy = places in=20 Jerusalem, which nation would gain MORE by immediately becoming = Israel's=20 "protector," and which great, universal spiritual leader would most = likely be=20 the first to act?
Do you see?
Once you understand the identity of the American and British peoples = in=20 biblical prophecy, literally dozens of major events begin to fall = into=20 place. Without that understanding, those who study prophecy are = casting=20 about in the dark. They may understand, basically, that the biblically=20 prophesied great tribulation, the heavenly signs, and the day of the = Lord are=20 coming. They read about Armageddon, and the Second Coming of Christ.
But they do not seem to know the answers as to WHO is the beast=97WHO = is the=20 false prophet=97and upon WHOM is the great tribulation going to = fall!
Isn't it about time you wondered about the truly big questions = in your=20 own life? What about the future? What will you Do during the = biblically=20 prophesied GREAT TRIBULATION to fall upon our peoples?
You may copy and distribute this information only to = friends and=20 family without changes, without charge and with full credit given to the = author=20 and publisher. You may not publish it for general audiences.
This publication is intended to be used as a personal = study tool.=20 Please know it is not wise to take any man's word for anything, so prove = all=20 things for yourself from the pages of your own Bible.
The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic = Association
P.O. Box=20 747
Flint, TX 75762
Phone: (903) 561-7070 =95 Fax: (903)=20 561-4141
More FREE literature is available at our Internet Web = Site:=20
http://www.garnertedarmstrong.= ws/=20
The activities of = the Garner Ted=20 Armstrong Evangelistic Association are paid for by tithes, offerings and = donations
freely given by Christians and co-workers who are = dedicated to=20 preaching the gospel according to Jesus Christ.